I really enjoyed producing this mini-episode on Conservation Optimism's "Good Natured Podcast". I talk about my experience of the introduction of red squirrels in the Isles of Scilly. Click the button below to listen to it on Spotify!
Although the pied wagtail in my garden is one of the most confident birds when it comes to getting close and taking photos, it is also one of the fastest moving. Its been really hard to get a shot of it up close and in focus as it darts around catching insects, barely ever staying still. I was pleased to finally get one I was happy with though!
Spotted flycatchers have declined by almost 90% between 1967-2012, making them fairly rare breeders in the UK. Although they're quite drab when it comes to plumage and song, it's hard not to be impressed by their patience as they perch on an exposed branch, eyes fixed on potential prey, before flitting off and catching insects in flight in an impressive aerobatic display. During an isolation stint at my home on the Bucks/Ox border, I was really happy to see three flycatcher fledglings in the yew tree! At first from a distance I thought they might be robin juveniles, but it quickly became apparent that I was wrong when the parents starting regularly visiting them with freshly-caught flies.
We've been treated to a huge amount of variation in species during recent ringing sessions, meaning lots of first-time-handles for me!
Dr. Joe WoodmanA blog of my ideas, photography and research of the natural world. Archives
December 2024